Congratulations to the winners of the Kimberley Art and Photographic Prize! The Overall Art Prize has been awarded to Linda Wilson "Take me back to Derby Town." and the Overall Photographic Winner is Tim Mummery with "Derby Two Up".
Meet the judges for this year's event: Benjamin Loaring, Pearl Proud, and Fiona Gavino. Each brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the judging process, ensuring a fair and insightful evaluation of all entries.
The Kimberley Art Prize (KAP) has been facilitated by the Shire of Derby/West Kimberley (SDWK) since 1970, when, following a suggestion by the then Shire Clerk
The Kimberley Art Prize (KAP) has been facilitated by the Shire of Derby/West Kimberley (SDWK) since 1970, when, following a suggestion by the then Shire Clerk to run an annual art competition for residents of the Kimberley region, the SDWK agreed to sponsor the prize.
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